Sheesh. Blog, it's been a long time. So glad you are still here. Many of you readers already know what I've been up to since last I wrote here, so not gonna rehash it. If you have any questions, email me.
Living with a few species of critters means morning wake up is all about the animals, not me. Dogs have to go out 1st thing, especially with a young puppy in the family now. House Bear's sensitive tummy requires feeding at regular intervals or it gacks up that green frothy stuff in inconvenient places. So outside, back inside, feed the dogs, start tea water for me. That wakes up the cats who yowl "myyyyyyy turrrrrrrrrnn, foooooooooood now hooman!" If it's light enough, I run out to give rabbits morning hay while dogs and cats eat. Next I clean litter boxes. And little FluffMuffin needs to go out again. I sneak in a first cuppa tea while House Bear parks his butt in my lap for a thorough scratch. FluffMuffin doesn't really eat much until about this time, so back in his crate he goes while I take House Bear out for about a mile walk. When we get back home, both dogs are ready to wrestle, with some wild house wide zoomies that threaten to break big things like sliding glass doors. This is the point when I might be able to knit without a big slobbery head dropping into my lap and sharp little teeth grabbing my ankles.
I decided to start a new knit project during this morning's dog wrestling. Youngest granddaughter's Susie's Reading Mitts are more a dressy wear, not really geared for playtime. I promised her mitts that will hold up better to play. It's a project that fills a need for me, too: simple mindless tv knit. I pulled out some yarn I dyed years ago which was already divided into 2 balls, and yes! I had enough brain power that early in the day and before breakfast to give TAAT magic loop another go. (non-knitters: that's 2 at a time using long circular needle). Starting was pretty fussy but I got it done. And then I got a phone call requesting a Hail Mary, so end of morning knit.
Someone I know had a brain fart when scheduling an appointment, and suddenly realized at 8 am this morning the need to be in 2 places at the same time. Could I help? As it happens, yes, I could. Dropped my knitting, crated the dogs, grabbed my keys, jacket and mittens, out the door in 3 minutes. Forget that I hadn't yet changed into "out in public" clean clothes nor brushed my hair. I just scooted. I ended up in the company of a woman I only met recently, have only seen a few times. As we chatted, she reached over and casually pulled one of my errant hairs off my cowl.
Ummmm... people, NO. Do NOT pick things off someone else, unless you know you have permission. I hate that, especially near my face. It takes great restraint on my part not to react with a defensive Tae Kwon Do arm block. Putting your hands on someone else for any reason is a big invasion of personal space. If you can't handle an errant hair or piece of lint or whatever, that is YOUR problem. Leave it the fuck alone.
And now I'm gonna go back to my peaceful place and knit.