Spring this year feels like we're coming out from a lot more than just winter's dark and cold. I'm still isolating, not sure yet whether I can get fully vaccinated, so my annual focus on yard and plants is more heightened. If I'm still gonna have to stay home a lot more than I like, then the yard is gonna be filled with flowers. Forsythia's gold has now given way to green, and my beautiful bleeding heart so gracefully stands watch as hosta and astilbe emerge. The hosta has already been nibbled so I have to rethink that garden. My lawn is glowing with dandelions. I pull them out of garden spaces but embrace those in the lawn. Food for the bees! And since there is such a bounty of them, they also provide healthy treats for the rabbits. Last night, each bunny got a whole clump of dandies thanks to weeding a garden. That's my Hoppy Hooligan enjoying another dandie clump this morning. Knowing how much they all enjoy the snack makes weeding a much more pleasureable activity for me. I like pairing chores with another purpose. Getting rid of stuff is a big, unpleasant chore way too easy to put off, which is why I still have saddles hanging around in my garage. Seeing them reminds me, with a big ol' jab in the heart, I no longer have a horse. But I do have dogs, and having a fenced area accessed from the deck is good for them and me. Right now, that area is a bit on the small side, given the size of my big goofy House Bear. Another problem with the fenced area is my cat Fiona sees it as a litter box. Dogs having access to a cat's litter box is just gross. Fiona's been stuck in the house while I figure out a solution to that, and she's not one bit happy about it. The answer lightening bolted into my head last week. Sell my western saddle, and maybe my English saddle too if it has any real value, and use the money to buy some fencing to match my neighbor's along our property line. That would double the dogs' yard space and free up my chain link panels to line the outside of the deck. That would then block the cat's access to the deck and the dogs' yard space. It also gives me a safe spot to set up a bunny play yard, something I've long wanted to do. And a new bit of fence would also give me a space to set up a garden spinning spot. Not only solutions and motivation all the way around, but ideas to ponder and dreams to finally fulfill.
Anybody want to buy a good Arabian trail saddle, pretty much never used?