Little bitty bunnies, sweet, simple, absolutely adorable, and completely loveable. They are one of my antidotes against the ugly in this world. In early morning when the brain is still accepting that I'm out of bed, while the yappy little terriers are gobbling up breakfast, I stumble out to the rabbitry. Those foofy little beings all jump up to say "yay, you're here pet me me me and then get me some grass, k?" They speak with those big flirty eyes and eager body language, practically falling out of their hutches as they seek my hand on their heads. I know they want scritches first because they ignore food when the possibility of a good head scritch is in reach. It's all so peaceful and sweet, these foofy little sumthin's.
Hoppy Hooligan, aka Hooli, is the bunny on the left. His three brothers, the chestnut sneaking a nibble between Hooli and the 2 opals on the right, are available. They are 7 weeks old today, ready to leave in one week. Their mother is Penny, a chestnut German French cross who gives me such yummy soft grey fiber. It's what I've got in progress on my Rose spinning wheel. Penny has been an excellent mother but decided a week ago that she was Done with that. Kids jumping all over her, grabbing her grass, sitting in the feed bowls, stealing her attention - she's much happier in her own hutch now. Better yet, in one of the bunny pens where she can dig dig diggety dig dig dig, roll in the dirt, and bury her face in the hole she's digging. All that fun doesn't seem to affect her coat, it apparently just kind of falls out when she's relaxing in her hutch.
Dad to these babies is The Hoppit, a self blue German cross born here nearly 3 years ago. He's a quiet bunny, currently starting to grow out his summer nekkidness.
Neither The Hoppit nor Penny have white mismarks, but apparently they both carry the gene because all three of the opal babies have a little white mismark on the forehead. That makes them sweet, foofy pets rather than breeding stock so they are available without a pedigree. That means a fun foofy with a lower price tag. Email me for more information.