You've seen Ennea Collective, right? It's a new online magazine designed to fill in the info gap for fiber artists: using handspun. I like it! And of course there is a Ravelry group. And in that Rav group came the call for a SKAL - spin knit along. I joined the SKAL and my project is Sidewinder Cowl done up in Wooly Wonka's merino, silk, angora roving in McIntosh colorway. Oh, yeah. Next to the skin yumminess! I bought that roving a couple years ago, so it's time to use it. I also decided it's time for me to practice the fractal spinning technique because this braid deserves to give full voice to it's colors. Apparently there is a Spin Off article about fractal spinning, but I don't think I've ever read it. I probably have the issue but I've been a tad remiss in actually reading the articles. I kind of skim the photos, thinking I'll someday get around to reading the articles. The first time I heard about fractal spinning was, of course, at Anne's blog. Do you sense a theme going here? All things Anne. :) Well, except for the pattern. She has a nice pattern for Cuppa Joe mitts there at Ennea, too, but they are for sport weight yarns and I'm too impatient to spin sport weight at the moment. I'm going for the bulkier spin, faster knit. That is so I'll actually finish this project in some kind of reasonable time frame. I think the Cuppa Joe mitts would work up beautifully in some of my own yarns, so that pattern is in my queue also. This project of course interrupts my progress on Tunie. But that's sort of by design. Tunie is a very long term project, lots and lots and lots of stockinette on tiny needles, and still some fiber to spin sport weight to have enough yarn for the project. Tunie is such a long term project that I really need a faster one to finish. It will actually help keep me going on Tunie to have a quicker project in such bright colors to distract me a bit.
And now, before any more fibering gets done, it's time for a visit to the mare.