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July 28, 2010



nuno felting? I have a partial? fleece from a friend in the freezer. some carded, some unprocessed in any way. It is an Icelandic or Icelandic cross. I don't have any fiber prep skills and am at a bit of a loss at what to do.


I am currently amassing peaches too. :-) Make ice cream out of it. It's a refreshing treat in this heat!


Looks like a fair exchange to me. I miss the peach trees we had planted in SLC before we left - I only got one year out of fruit of them, but OMG - heavenly!


Canning is a wonderful way to preserve your peaches without having to sacrifice freezer space. (Since we all know that keeping roving free of bugs is much more important than peaches).

What are you spinning?


Oh - and the peaches and nectarines have been *so* good this summer. I've been being a peach-pig myself :)


Too funny. My freezer is full of wool on a rotating basis. The husband sighs and says nothing.

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