What with gray drizzly subdued light and a very protective mom, getting good baby pictures is tough. Mom and dad were happy to pose, though. Mom is a pure German angora, Lady Bunivere. A first time mom, she's doing a wonderful job caring for the babies and they are thriving. The dad is a very friendly fella, Sir Hop A Lot, a German crossbred buck, color blue silver marten. That color is a relatively new color pattern introduced into angoras first, I believe, by Jan's Giants. She has a nice explanation of tan pattern on her blog here. Basically, tan pattern includes tan (which involves wideband genes), otter (no wideband), and marten (which requires c(chd), the chinchilla gene) There are no white babies in this litter, and Sir Hop's sire did not carry the gene for white, so I believe Sir Hop does not carry it either. That would make his color genetics a(t)aB-c(chd)c(chd)ddE- . I don't yet know Bunivere's color genetics, other than the obvious: she is what is referred to as ruby eyed white, which is ----cc---- . Two of the babies appear so far to be self, which is a recessive trait so both parents have to have it. That means Bunivere would be -a--cc---- . If those two are self, then they are self chinchilla, aaB-c(chd)cDdE- , a not entirely correct color type, but useful if the goal is to breed silver martens. Three of the babies have agouti markings (light bellies, inner ears, under tail, under nose, and eye circles), but that could be either agouti pattern, coded as A- or tan pattern, which is a(t)- . If the babies are agouti, they will be correctly typed chinchilla color. If they are tan pattern, they will be silver martens: a(t)aB-c(chd)cDdE- . If I want to try to get otter pattern, I have a self black doe I can breed to Sir Hop, which could produce otter.
Ok, ready to clear your head of genetics and go for cute puppy pics?
Murphy is quite a scamp and loveslovesloves rope toys. He' quite skillful at stealing them from Kiri. Amika has decided Murphy can stay, but she does not welcome him in her bedroom. We don't yet know if she will allow him to play in her living room, but she's happy with him on the deck, and on occasion, for brief times, she will even play with one or both of the pups. She does insist the two puppies play nice and will interfere if either gets a bit too vigorous. Kiri is delighted with Murphy, and once the Young Adults move out with their dogs, she will need a puppy of her own.