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September 22, 2008



Tears were appropriately shed, poor you, poor bunny. Good for you in finding the right place for your horse, too. It's good you were able to find some balance in your weekend.


It doesn't seem silly at all - of course you are attached to them. Sorry to hear about your loss.... and of course, your barn woes. I know you don't have the space in CT to keep her at home with you, but this new barn seems like a good option. I hope it is as wonderful as it seems!!


I'm so sorry about the bun. *hugs* You have every right to be pissed about that barn. That's just completely unacceptable especially considering what board must go for these days. I hope you can get CC out of there soon and get your money back!

Glad the weekend had some fiber balance though. Congrats on the ribbon!!


it's not silly. we all know how hard it is to lose a pet.
good luck with the new barn.


I'm so sorry to hear about your bunny.

I'm glad the weekend wasn't all bad and congrats on the trophy!


The poor bunny! And poor you. I'm so sorry. Animals sure do sneak into our hearts.

As for the barn, I would hope you have a contract and make sure there's nothing sneaky in there saying you can't get your money back. Good luck with that craziness!


Sorry about the bunny and the barn woes!

Congratulations on the trophy! Very cool! And you are looking great!


Nice trophy! Sounds like a good/shitty weekend all in one. By the way you don't have to feed or clean up behind a dirt bike and you can store it in the back yard! HEHEHE


Sorry about the angst and loss. Hugs to you. The new barn sounds wonderful.

Is that a photo of you on the Fryeburg Fair website plucking a bunny in your lap? http://www.fryeburgfair.com Scroll down- lower left.


Oh geez Chris, it isn't silly at all. Hell, I cry every time one of the gerbils departs to go on the great adventure - it wouldn't feel right otherwise!

Yay you for the trophy and ribbons. How excellent is that! Of course, some of us never had any doubt...


What a roller coaster weekend! Sorry about the bunny and the barn but YEA!! for the ribbon and trophy. I love the photos of you.


Bunnies are worthy of tears too. Probably more so than some people. ;-)

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