That's often the secret to getting a reluctant orchid to bloom. One of the orchids I bought over a year ago is a new to me type, Miltonia Bluntii. It obviously needs a different watering schedule than most of my other orchids, because the new leaf growth came in all wrinkly and sort of shriveled, an orchid's thirsty gasp, and a signal to the plant's inner psyche, I guess, to try to save the species by putting out bloom before dying. So about the time I noticed the shrively gasp, I also spotted three buds in pretty good development. Sometimes the orchids do that. They throw out buds that get almost to flower stage before you notice them. Sneaky little devils. And this is what Miltonia Bluntii looks like as a flower:
Posted by: vanessa | September 23, 2008 at 04:47 PM
Very pretty!
Posted by: Karen | September 24, 2008 at 03:47 PM
OMG, it's stunning. You wouldn't by any chance have a slightly larger version of that photo that I could steal for wallpaper?
Posted by: Lucia | September 25, 2008 at 10:31 AM