« Wednesday WIPing 9/10/08 | Main | A Good Sign, Sadly »

September 15, 2008



Wow! Good for you! Is that your bike? You are braver than I!


wow, you are brave!


Good for you! That's great! My sister is a rider -- I like more panels of metal surrounding me though.


Oh. My. gawd. Seriously?! A motorcycle?!? How the heck are you gonna carry a bunny on that?!??? ;)

P.S. Who was your instructor? I have a friend who does motorcycle safety instruction.


Yay you! That's fantastic that you passed. YippEE!

April Bangert

Congrats! I did the same thing just over a year ago and the hubby and I have had a wonderful time riding together since!


Yay you! Congrats on the new bike. It always amazes me all the cool things you do. I'm glad you didn't get hurt during all the crashing thank god for helmets! Ride on girl!

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