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May 24, 2005



You know that reminds me of the Monty Python song..., "Sit on my faaaaaaace and tell me that you love me."


I couldn't resist. :)


hehehehe, I remember that song! Cool litters...and so many of them. ;)
They DO breed like rabbits ya know....just not when we WANT them to. Ya know..if you did table breeding....


LOL! I had something similar happen once, which led to me developing that new color I'm working on...


Oh that is priceless. And how typical - surprise bunnies all around. :)

Laurie S.

Hoppy Birthday!


Congrats on all the surprise babies! What a shocker, eh?

Nancy J

Careful what you wish for.... ;-)


hahaha..........oh my! How perfect is that Monty Python song.....LOL! Enjoy your new little ones!!


ROFL. That is too funny. Glad all the bunnies are doing well. What good timing you had! Congrats on the unexpected babies!


Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky! It has happened to us all at one time or another. Glad you found the little ones in time!


Too funny. And yeah, Bunny Goddess laughs.


Oh my goodness. Thank goodness you were there to save those little kits. I'm in awe. BUNjamin Bratt certainly did live up to his bratty little bunny name with all sorts of surprises for you. hee hee :) Isn't it amazing how things in nature work. The expected never seems to happen, whereas the unexpected astounds us and brings about such wonderment. I really enjoy reading your posts, and the added pictures now are especially great. Kudos to you with all that you do. :)


more bunnies more fun!!


oh my goodness!!! what a story! I can't help but smile, and wish I was in a better spot to have a rabbit of my own :) I'm glad you found them when you did, and wish you luck with the next litter! (your iris's (please pardon my horrible grammer; I can't remember if it's 's, ' or es) are wonderful! It's pouring here and the tulips are all falling apart.)

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